I decided to write about this topic because for sometime, it was something I struggled with as well. I had many gay friends and once I became a follower of Christ, I was torn on how to deal with my relationships with those that were set on continuing in that sinful lifestyle. I felt that if I stopped hanging out with them, I'd be a judgmental person, yet if I continued being around them, I wasn't upholding my belief in The Word. After much study, prayer and experiences that provided the closure I needed on this topic - I understood that ending my dealings with them, yet continuing to love & pray for their salvation, was EXACTLY what God wants His Followers to do.
When people try to uphold the idea of accepting the sin of homosexuality, the misunderstanding of Christ's character is always used as "proof" that we are to be alright with this. Scriptures that speak about Christ's compassion and love and our duty to be that way as well (Romans 13:8, Ephesians 4:2, 1 John 4:7, Romans 5:8..etc) are often cited. Yes, Christ MOST DEFINITELY has compassion for us all and LOVES us ALL and we are to DO THE SAME. I am NOT here to dispute that fact! However, I AM here to explain how this can still be done without compromising the Word of God.
Whenever we are in question about ANYTHING, we are to turn to the Holy Bible. It is infallible and will, most assuredly, give us the answers we seek.
In this case, its best to cover the characteristics of sin (1 John 5:17). The bible tells us that sin is the transgression of the Law of God (1 John 3:4). The entire law is founded upon the Love of God and our obedience to it by demonstrating love to Him and one another (Deut 30:15-16, Matt 22:35-40). This concludes that the ROOT of ALL SIN is SELFISHNESS. Because the bible has told us homosexuality is sin (Romans 1, Leviticus 18:22,20:13, 1Corinth 6:9-10) -we know it is ROOTED in selfishness. Paul gives all the characteristics of Love in 1Corinth 13:4-8. It tells us Love does NOT rejoice at WRONG-DOING but instead, REJOICES WITH TRUTH. It also tells us that Love NEVER ENDS.
According to the homosexual agenda, it is often quoted "Love is Love." However, now that we have a clear definition of what Love is, we can know that the idea of a homosexual "love" is counterfeit of the real thing. Rejoicing in homosexuality, which is sin, is NOT LOVE. The bible tells sin WILL BE DESTROYED (Romans 8:13, 12:2, Rev 21:8). Sin is not love. Transgression of God's Law is not Love. Christ told us in John 14:15 "If ye LOVE me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS." So we can move on from ANY confusion about homosexuality being a sin.
Now, how do we uphold our Love for The Lord and not be judgmental? The bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. If you are a follower of Christ, you do all you can to refrain from sinning. You repent daily and commit to doing all things in God's Will, which keeps you blameless from transgression. In this, mercy and grace cover your short-comings. This is the only way to love oneself. And you love your neighbor the SAME WAY. However, those that practice a homosexual lifestyle are NOT repentive, do NOT refrain from committing this sin and REFUSE to do God's Will. So it is not us that has REFUSED to love our neighbor. Its their sin that has REFUSED to LOVE us! We are blameless, they are not!
In 1Peter 2:9, we are told that we are called OUT of darkness INTO the light. We are no longer to entertain sin. God has redeemed us from it and we are FREE! It would be insane to return to bondage once you are freed from it. Paul tells us to stay AWAY from sin (2Thess 3:6, Ephesians 5:3-11), having NO part of it or those that indulge in it!
Our LOVE for the Lesbian, Gay Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) community should not waiver. However, we cannot be "friends" with ANYONE that is at WAR with GOD. We cannot "accept" their way of life, we cannot excuse their poor decisions. We are only to pray for them, in hopes that they turn from their wicked ways and repent, accepting the Love of Christ as we did.
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